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DraftSight 2018 has Launched

It’s 2018 and that means that there is a new version of DraftSight available for download from www.draftsight.com

So, you are probably wondering just what is new in this latest version of DraftSight? Well, the list below contains some of the major new features.

  • Available in all versions of DraftSight:
    • Entity Highlighting
    • Redefine Base Point
  • Available only in DraftSight Professional and Enterprise:
    • Quick Inputs Method
    • Placing Dimensions within Widgets
    • Copying / Pasting Entities to the Active Layer
    • Enhancements to G-Code functionality
    • Arrow Key Nudging
    • Curved Text

Now you’re probably wondering just what each one of those new features does! Let me explain briefly.

Quick Inputs Method: Previously, all commands and numeric inputs were entered at the Command Window. Users can now enter those values directly in the drawing area.

Placing Dimensions with Dimension Widgets: Users can now place dimensions automatically along Bounding Boxes aligned with other dimensions and spaced with the predefined offset distances

Copying / Pasting Entities to the Active Layer: Users can now Copy and Paste selected entities with new options to the active layer instead of the source layer.

Enhancements to G-Code functionality: We’ve re-worked the G-code user interface and added program append capability.

Entity Highlighting: Colored highlighting replaces legacy dashed-style highlighting allowing users to easily distinguish selected entities.

Arrow Key Nudging: Users can now use the Shift + Arrow keys to move selected entities according to a specified increment.

Curved Text: Users can now place text along an arc to better control the text direction and location.

Redefine Base Point: Users can now set a new base point for a block using the right mouse button.

Over the coming weeks on this blog, we will explain all the new features in DraftSight 2018 and will also have instructional videos available, so users can work at their own pace when learning these new features.

What are the recommended requirements for running DraftSight 2018 you’re probably wondering. Well I’ve listed them below.






So, that’s a very brief introduction to DraftSight 2018 and some of it’s new features.  There is a free version of the software available, so if you are interested in using DraftSight, you can download that from www.draftsight.com at no cost and give it a test.