CAD, regardless of which variety you use, crashes. It’s a simple fact of life. When does it crash? Normally on deadline day when you are trying to make those last minute changes to drawings that haven’t been looked at in a week… So, after screaming and swearing at your computer for a few minutes, what do you do?
Thankfully, DraftSight has a built in AUTOSAVE function. You’ll find it under Tools -> Options -> System Options
As you can see from the image below, I set my AUTOSAVE to 10 minutes. If DraftSight crashes, I should only loose a maximum of 10 minutes work.
So, DraftSight is set up to do an autosave every 10 minutes. That’s great, but just where are those autosave files located. Well, by default they are saved in the following folder: C:UsersUserNameAppDataLocalTempDraftSight_autosave
If you would like to change the location, go back in to System Options and you can set the location there.
DraftSight, by default, gives autosave files the extension .ds$. To turn these autosave files in to DWG files, just rename the extention to .dwg